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Quality education and equal access to primary schools for all children in Iringa, Tanzania

We support orphans and vulnerable children in attaining their right to participation, protection and access to a quality education and on community level to prevent abuse, violence and discrimination of children in Iringa's rural districts and secure their right to education

  • Where
    Iringa, Tanzania
  • Focus area
  • Duration
    5 years
    2016 - 2021
  • Economy
    Hempel Foundation: DKK 10,4 million
Prime partner: SOS Children's Villages Tanzania

The Government of Tanzania abolished school fees in 2002 ensuring free education for all, however, many expenses in schools are not covered by the national budgets which excludes many children from equal access to education.

Enrolment rate is generally very high in Tanzania but in the targeted region Iringa, enrolment rate was 68% in 2012. Children who either are orphans living in child-headed households, with grandparents, with relatives or in foster care are particularly vulnerable in accessing quality education.

Only 72.8% of primary students in Iringa pass the primary school examination after 7 years, affording them access to secondary education. In the 8 schools we work with baseline passing rate was 47.4%.

This project will support children in attaining their right to participation, protection and access to a quality education. As part of the project child protection measures are promoted at family, school, and community level to prevent abuse, violence and discrimination of children and secure their right to education. Furthermore, the project will improve retention rates through targeted efforts that will improve learning for all children but especially lift those children most at risk of losing access to education and those today not passing national exams.