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Protecting, restoring and connecting Key Biodiversity Areas in the Atlantic Forest

BirdLife and partners have developed a holistic programme to create economically competitive nature-positive development models while improving protection of globally threatened birds and biodiversity.

  • Where
    Barsília, Brazil
  • Focus area
  • Duration
    2023 - 2026
  • Economy
    DKK 12 million
Prime partner: BirdLife International


The primary threat to Atlantic Forest biodiversity is habitat loss due to deforestation, and the related issues of habitat fragmentation, isolation and edge effects. The causes and dynamic of this habitat loss are complex and have been driven by a history of inequitable land tenure systems, and local, national and international trade. Agriculture, livestock and resource extraction are the primary historic and current drivers of deforestation and degradation, including sugarcane (Brazil), soy and Yerba Mate (Argentina and Paraguay) and small-scale cattle ranching, timber harvesting and marijuana cultivation (Paraguay).

In this project BirdLife International collaborates with SAVE Brasil, Aves Argentinas and Guyra Paraguay to focus their work on protecting threatened and endemic bird species in the Atlantic Forest and to take care of the forests ecosystem services for nearly 150 million people.

The project connects three core landscapes in the Atlantic Forest:

  1. Northeastern Brazil within the Pernambuco Endemic Center (PEC)
  2. 19 Atlantic Forest Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) in the province of Misiones, Argentina
  3. the San Rafael proposed National Park in Paraguay (largest remaining Atlantic Forest remnant)


  1. Increase the coverage of municipal, provincial and private protected areas within Key Biodiversity Areas and their buffer zones to protect critical habitat and maintain viable populations of key globally threatened species.
  2. Develop edu-communicational infrastructure, materials and experiences on BirdLife partner reserves and online to promote forest-friendly local and municipal development models.
  3. Remove barriers and explore incentives to drive ecological restoration and sustainable agroforestry in and around Key Biodiversity Areas and Green Corridors. 
  4. Increase the capacity of government agencies to tackle illegal deforestation and wildlife trade.